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5 Republican Facts That Prove They Are Not Fascist!

     Have you been told that you are a racist, fascist, or BIG MEANIE? Well you might be a Republican! Yes according to Paste magazine that may be so, but lets take a closer look shall we?

One main reason Republican party was founded was to stop the tyranny of Slavery SUPPORTED by the Democrats.                                                (Oldest Party in American) 

Abraham Lincoln was the first president of the Republican Party. (Once again he free the slaves)

Republicans support limited government and Capitalism. So yes they care about you because their income depends on you! Goof ball.

  1. Republicans believe in individualism not classifications! No room for a SJW in the Republican Party.(So if you're white/ black/ red/ Orange and rob a bank, you go to jail)

  2. Fascism is a form of radical authoritarianism! So the more "control" you want the more "fascist" you are. Hard to Say Republicans are fascist while they want less government. (While our baby commies want more lazyboys) 

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