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Is Socialism Fair? No!

     I bet when you heard the traits of socialism and you was sold instantly! The idea of everyone helping each and providing for the Utopia of society(Russia 101) sounds pretty great. Also the idea that everyone will be provided for and no one will have a care in the world sounds pretty great too! (Especially to millennials)      

     Socialism, on paper,  looks like the perfect world.....well till you actually put it into work! (You know like a pickaxe) As I said before, in my other blog, there was many countries that fail due to the socialist tyranny of the 20th century! (Even some countries had to moved to a capitalism economy to save their country) In socialism there's no private Enterprise, private land, or private anything because everything belongs to the government for the Utopia to provide. (Sounds like a monopoly if you ask me) Just ask Hitler, Stalin, or Papa Smurf trust me they know what I'm saying.

     Lets take the smurfs for an example. Papa Smurf was in complete control. Over 100 smurfs was under the hand of the "wise" one. He had them picking berries, cutting wood, even made to build a dam! (without their consent) No one worked because they felt the other people would pick up the slack, and they didn't.... 

(Which in the early 1600's we actually tried socialism and it failed due to stealing, people becoming lazy, and people not chipping in to the "Utopia")

     No one works without a motive to do so. Socialism takes away that motive (competition) and therefore no one works and so the governmen "must" take over to free the people from hardships and what actually happens is the "wise ones" are saved. While everyone else is shot off the earth by riots..... But oh yeah Socialism cares about you (By you I mean your labor and resourses of course)

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